by admin

“hi guys welcome back to my youtube

channel welcome back to another video

today we’re unboxing the april cohorty

box and this month is in collaboration

with advanced skincare

which i’m very excited about it’s a very

premium skincare brand very expensive

and this box is filled with just event

products which is very exciting

so just before we dive into it if you

are new to cohort it is a monthly

subscription box

it is one of the more premium

subscription boxes and it is 39.99 a

month which is a little bit more

expensive than the other ones that you

see on my channel

um but it is reflected in the actual

products and the prices

and the luxury brands and everything

inside is amazing

i don’t think i’ve actually had a box

here which has had a value of less than

150 pounds

and the brands that you do we see inside

these boxes are really high-end brands

that everybody’s heard of

it’s just very luxury now if you don’t

subscribe to cohorted when you subscribe

you are paying for a box in advance so

if you subscribe today in the middle of


the first box that you will receive is

the may box not the april box

but on the first of may your payment

will be taken for june box so it’s

always one month in advance

um which means that you obviously can’t

watch these videos and decide

if you want to purchase the box or not

um if you want subscribe because you

won’t actually get this one

now if they do have boxes left over at

the end of the month you can buy them on

their website

um for a one-off fee of i think it is 50


and that just depends if they’ve got any

left and if it has been a really popular

box then

it’s unlikely that you’d be able to get

it but it’s worth checking on the


and when you do subscribe as well if you

are a new subscriber there’s always a

discount code so you can either get like

a free gift

or something like that inside the box

which is amazing so

it’s definitely worth having a look on

the website for one of the music

discount codes to get yourself a freebie

as well if you are subscribing

so without further ado let’s dive into

this box so what i love about the cohort

packaging is it’s all recyclable

and this one’s got a white box sometimes

it is black with the

white print sometimes it’s white with a

black print which is cool

and it’s really really good quality

sturdy box as well you can definitely

reuse it for storage

um great to keep makeup products in make

the brushes in stuff like that

so as we take the lid off we’ve got the

magazine and then we’ve got the tissue

paper with the cohort sticker in the


so magazine isn’t just a booklet telling

you about the products he’s got other

things here we’ve got interviews

we’ve got um articles from the cohort’s


um we’ve got a bit about each of the

products we’ve got a bit about the brand

as well

and it’s just a nice little booklet to

actually have a read through there are

also discount codes scattered throughout

this as well

and so we’ve got a really big discount

code on them up there for

cry cream i’m not sure how you pronounce

our brand and we’ve also got a sneak

peek there is a limited edition box

coming up so from may 2021 we’ve got the


limited edition box that’s what it looks


that’s exciting and i’ve got things like

this inside where

there’s lots of articles to have a read

through so i do receive this box for

free because i do contribute to cohort’s

blog so if you want to check out the

blog and the articles that are on there

then i’ll link that down below and then

as we open it up

this is what’s inside this month’s box

so we’ve got one two three four five

six products from advance really really

nice they always lay them out really

nicely as well

in the box it’s not all just thrown in

so the front of the booklet says that

the box value this month is 493 pounds

which is insane a van is a very very

pricey skincare brand

i absolutely love the products they are

amazing the ones that i’ve tried i’ve

tried quite a few products now and

because they

are quite often in subscription boxes

and they’ve been incredible on my skin i

do really like them

and a lot of people question the price

of the products

um for example is this the eye cream

this eye cream i think is 99 pounds to

buy um

which is very very expensive for an eye

cream and i don’t think i never just

paid 99 pounds for the eye cream

it is a great eye cream i’ve used this

one before but yeah it’s very very


and so i mean there’s a lot of

controversy online whether it is worth

that much

whether it’s not um but products

themselves are amazing i absolutely love


um and it’s great to get them in the

subscription box as well because i

wouldn’t pay that much for a product

but when it’s in the box it’s great to

try it it’s great to use some luxury


and not pay the big price tag so it does

tell you a little bit about event at the

start of the booklet as well so it says

event focus on creating non-invasive

products that can be used at home

delivering visible results

by meticulously scrutinizing each

ingredient that formulate their products

and always standing by

a blend of nature and science their goal

is to make you feel confident in your

own skin

so event has a wide range of products

that are designed to be effective for


the brand marks a tipping point in the

skincare industry where neither product

nor brand is bound to gender skin color

or ethnicity

but simply to what the skin needs and

design is a key component of the brand

and is used to educate the customer

helping them to better understand the

ingredients they put on their skin

and make an informed choice and it’s

seen in vanity fair as well which is

cool so the first product is the eye

cream okay so

so this is the eye cream all the

packaging is very similar so we have

the event logo on the top then we have a

few of the key ingredients here

and then we have the name of the product

here and if it’s part of a specific


to do different ranges for different

skin problems or

skin types and this is the age restore

range we’ve also got like age defy

age radiance age neutral arrive there’s

lots of different

ranges um so yeah this is the three in

one hyrule unfiller collagen eye formula

so there’s 10 ml of product here and

this is 99 pounds

so that’s what i mean you don’t get a

lot of product but it’s so expensive

this says it’s part of the age restore

range the revolutionary formula contains

signature ingredients contributing

towards evening out the signs of aging

whilst maintaining a mattified

complexion so the science behind it will

tell you about hyaluronic acid it aims

to penetrate deep into the skin to

hydrate and instantly helps improve the

appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

collagen works as an important building

block for elasticity and helps smooth

the signs of aging

and then it tells you how to apply the

eye cream there as well so obviously i

think we all know how to apply eye cream

just with your ring finger dab it in

around your eye area it’s always

important to be very gentle around the

eye area

and i don’t think this has fragrance in

either from memory which is great

because again you don’t want fragrance

on your eye area

but yeah it is a really really good um

eye cream so next we’ve got the pro

intense hyaluronic acid illuminating day


this is what this one looks like so this

50 ml of product in here

so the packaging as well in when they’re

in subscription boxes they tend to be in

this like squishy plastic tube

when you buy them from the website they

do come in a little glass jar so i think

they do just repackage them for boxes

just so they don’t get damaged um but

it’s exactly the same product so this is

a bestseller this is worth

98 pounds again another extremely

expensive product

so this says this is an age radiance

cream that aims to eliminate your skin

and consequently your day

i like that it’s nice so it says it

combines the signature ingredients

hyaluronic acid sea water jojoba oil and


lectin i’m not sure how you say that um


powerful moisturizing properties help to

keep the skin hydrated making an

excellent additive for mature dry or

overworked skin

and then it tells you how to apply it to

different parts of your face as well

the bottom there i don’t know if you’ve

used this specific one before i have

used a day cream from them before

um and it’s been nice on the skin so

yeah looking forward to using that one

there’s a discount code as well for a

fan which is there

you can see that okay next we’ve got the

glycolic acid rejuvenating face


again same packaging this is from the


defy range this is worth 92 pounds

and it says this works to gently

exfoliate and retexture the skin it’s

been designed to help refine and

brighten and renew skin

so it contained um glycolic acid and

proline glycolic acid aims to penetrate

deep into the skin whilst treating fine

lines acne blackheads

dullness and oiliness for a youthful


proline contributes to the promotion of

a firmer more illuminated skin and helps

reduce the appearance of sagging

wrinkles and fine lines so that sounds

great say top tip fingertip pressure

and the gentle friction of the perfectly

rounded microbeads will help remove

dead skin cells which can lead to block

pores so i’ve not actually used this one


so you massage this into the skin after

cleansing and then rinse with lukewarm


so it’s just it’s more of a physical

exfoliator but it has glycolic acid in

as well so it’s chemically exfoliated


so a bit of both next we’ve got the

harmonious rose quartz revitalizing and

firming mask

and 50 ml again of this this is the age

neutral revive range this is worth

79 pounds so one’s a cheaper product and

again it’s another bestseller

i think i’ve received this before i

don’t think i’ve actually used this one


um it says this luxurious mask aims to

purify pores and absorb impurities and

excess sebum

leaving you with balanced healthy

looking skin it helps tighten and clear

congested cores and contributes to

brightening the tone as it draws out


so it leaves the skin firmer more supple

and younger looking and it protects the


that sounds amazing so i actually do get

quite a lot of blog posts like around

this area

so i might actually give that a go oh it

looks like it might be pink as well

inside it’s all

sealed up which is what we like to see

so yeah i think i will actually give

that one go pretty soon because i want

to see if it can do anything

to this area of my face and then next

we’ve got a serum

so this is a slightly smaller product

it’s 30 ml and it’s the collagen intense

radiance activator serum so again it’s

the same packaging it’s just slightly

smaller because there’s less product

so that’s the difference in the sizes

so this is from the age radians range

this is worth 91 pounds

so more expensive because it’s obviously

a smaller product

and it says this is infused with a

brightening and illuminating signature

ingredients contributing towards visibly

radiant and healthy skin

so the science behind it it combines at

collagen and like a thin amongst other

powerful actives and ingredients

we’ve already talked about collagen so

lectin helps to hydrate replenish and

repair the skin making it an excellent

treatment for mature and dry skin

so you apply a few drops of the serum to

damp skin after cleansing

press the serum into the skin with an

open palm instead of the fingertips to

release active ingredients and then wait

two to three minutes for the serum tops

off before moisturizing see i’ve never

tried serum from them before

very excited to try that i do always

have a serum before morning and night

and then the final product which i’m

really excited about

is this one here so this is the collagen

eye restoring

pads um there are three pairs in here

four grams each let’s have a look i

really like the boxes that the products

come in it’s kind of like a textured


i don’t know if you can tell on the

camera but it feels really really nice

and recyclable which is great

so this is what they look like so just

basic packaging you get

three pairs there it’s just silver on

the other side and they are the under

eye masks

so it looks like they’re more of the

kind of jelly masks so these are worth

34 pounds for the three pairs and the

booklet says

wake up to brighter eyes with this

revolutionary eye set saturated with a

complex of active ingredients aiming to

smooth intensely hydrate and minimize

the appearance of fine lines dark

circles and puffiness they’re infused

with collagen hyaluronic acid and aloe


variety types of collagen hyaluronic

acid says aloe vera helps stimulate

collagen and synthesis and acts as an

astringent to tighten pores and help

reduce the appearance of oily skin

i don’t think i really get oily skin

around my eyes but if it stimulates

collagen synthesis that is great around

the eye area so you apply these for 10

to 15 minutes

and obviously they are single use mask

you just pop them on and leave them take

them off and then they go in the bin

um so yeah 34 pounds for three is

incredibly expensive so

really looking forward to using these i

do use under eye mask quite a lot

so i’d like to see how these do compare

two ones i already use which are much


so that was everything inside the

cohorted acre box in collaboration with


so we’ve got a day cream an exfoliator

an eye cream a serum a mask and some

eye masks so a really good mix of

products the only thing we don’t really


um to make the whole skincare routine is

a cleanser and obviously

cleansers are more personal depending on

your skin type if you have dry skin or

oily skin

you know different cleansers work better

for different people and

so after you cleanse we’ve literally got

a whole skincare routine here which is


i love that they’ve put many different

types of products in and not just like

several moisturizers or something like


and it’s great to try different products

really excited to try the

eye mask and the mask as well what was

it called

the revitalizing refining mask and yeah

so that was everything so it’s very


box this is a great way to try advanced

skincare if you’ve not tried it before

but you don’t want to pay

the incredibly high price tags um so

if you aren’t subscribed to cohorty but

you do want to check out this box

wait until the end of the month i’m just

going to the website and see if it’s


for 50 pounds and fingers crossed you’ll

be able to get your hands on one and

like i said if you do want to subscribe

for the next month’s one then just head

over to the website and look for the

discount code as well so thanks so much

for watching guys i really hope you

enjoyed this unboxing

let me know all your thoughts in the

comments down below don’t forget to give

this video a thumbs up and also hit

subscribe and i’ll see you soon for

another video

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