“hello my beautiful paths how are we
today I’m so excited to be here with you
um I am having a lovely day today it’s
like I fell over on my way to the office
though that wasn’t so fine like I
smashed up my knee like I fooled smashed
up my knee and I got stuff all over my
hands and it was not fun other than
having a good day and I wanted to just
quickly pop on do something a little bit
different I mentioned it in my last
video and it was just to be a bit of a
review of some skin care stuff that I
have found a little bit life-changing or
lately okay that sounds really but it’s
changed my life doing it and so
therefore it’s life changing
right and excuse my makeup today it is
from the last video but um my skin’s
SuperDuper dry so there’s that M and so
if it doesn’t look great just this way
okay okay it’s white we’re not gonna
talk about it right okay so I wanted to
quickly talk to you most of this a lot
of this stuff actually came in my glossy
box all my Birchbox things that I
receive a recommend I think I was I’ve
been testing both out and try to work
out which one I like the best and I
actually think I’m leaning towards a
glossy box as my preferred one but it’s
only been two months so I will keep you
posted if you would like to see like a
more in-depth review of Birchbox and
glossy box and the stuff I get each
month then let me know and I will do
that for you and pop it in the comments
below and whilst we’re talking about
that and please do subscribe and click
on your little notification Bell and if
you like this kind of video thumbs up
again feedback over if this is the sort
of thing you want to see and would be
SuperDuper awesome and you know what
share with any friends that might find
value from this okay so my morning
makeup with you because obviously I wear
a lot of makeup you’ve got to look after
your skin it’s like it’s like the
biggest organ on your body it’s most
important the first most important thing
to do when you’re looking after your
skin is drink a lot of water I I put up
a post on Instagram the other day and if
you’re not following me on there it’s
underscore Evans same spelling as the
channel name but I got this bottle
because I have a real
issue with drinking still drinks they
feel slightly to me I just can’t handle
it and so this one is and and I hate
also not drinking up the straw and cut
them weird like that so I do this is
just a textual thing so anyway I’ve
really struggled to find a bottle to
drink out of because if they have a
straw they tend to suit with water and
do the mark they then explode everywhere
so I found the finally found resolution
I’ve got a big liter bottle because you
need to actually drink these weights
drink and work out how much you need to
drink is work out how many stones you
weigh and and then every for every four
stone you weigh you need to be drinking
you litre of water a day so for me I’m a
tall and not small girl and lazy people
telling me that I’m not that big but my
weight is all on my lower half and you
never see that so trust me I’ll weigh a
lot okay um and I got so then I got that
which obviously doesn’t have a straw but
I got this one oh it’s a real fiddle to
get it out
oh my gosh finally right that would have
been sped up inside I so I got I got
this big liter bottle so I could drink
lots on the go and then I got these
metal straws that can go in it and it
keeps my drink fizzy and I get to have
the straws really really long-winded way
of telling you and the drinking water is
the most important part of having height
well hydrated puffy beautiful scared not
puffy and like plop beautiful hydrated
looking skin and yeah so drink nuts
Ward’s that’s my main biggest tick and
also for hair growth there nail growth
and all of that kind of thing it makes
such a difference right moving on about
two products
so my if you’re interested in knowing
that bottle was off of Amazon as with a
straws the straws came and they’re
called the globey slurp Asst globus
letters and and they there’s like four
straight ones and there’s like four
maybe I should try this one it won’t be
as hard to get out maybe but then it
would sink though anyway and then you
get two cleaners as well so that’s super
cool right and and they were like a
fiver so we’re being environmentally
friendly me and the kids anyway products
so the first thing I do in the morning
when I have a shower is I um cleanse my
skin and at the moment I either use I
didn’t bring it down at shake I either
use the unique cleanser which is
beautiful but to be fair there was no
point me bringing that one down because
they no longer sell it unique and
brought out this whole new range it’s
quite exciting actually really want to
get hot get my hands on so I’ll get my
hand it’s not if you had my mom sells it
but anyway and basically you get like a
cleanser base and moisturizer base a
cleanser base moose toys based a date
soy de moisturizer night moisture base
and the serum base and then you buy like
oh you pick the boosters to go in them
so you can pick like a hydrating one and
line reducing one poor like minimizing
one lots of different ones and yet you
pick which ones they are
like it’s like tailored to you so I will
definitely be getting my hands on some
of that stuff and I will review it tell
you about it but it sounds super
exciting and and I know I love unique
skincare range no I don’t sell it
but what I will do is put a link to my
mum website below so I won’t make any
money if you buy anything from there but
she will say and just like no pressure
at just if you want to check it out
there’s a link for you anyway
what I have been using is this cleanse
up I’m in love with this cleanser my
husband got this as a freebie when he
bought me the head of Beauty nunu’s
palette and for Christmas and this came
as a freebie so and it’s really
beautiful so this is the Sarah Chapman
London skin s ultimate cleanse cleansing
it smells menthol it smells a bit like
what’s that stuff you rub on your chest
and Vicks or whatever and it smells a
bit like that but it is so beautiful on
the skin it leaves your skin feeling
absolutely stunning it really soft
really clean it’s just they really
really enjoyed that and this is one of
my favorite things it’s so funny this is
one of the favorite things I have
received in my Birchbox so far and I
absolutely it’s my most used thing and
it’s a little bit tattered because I use
it so much and I I’ve got to get the
waterproof eye makeup off it that was on
it but I’m gonna try boiling it and then
and then using the same cleaning stuff
on it anyway this went even so at night
I take all my makeup off I’ll tell you
about that in a minute and then in the
morning like the first time I use is I
did have done all of that and I claims
on my skin and done all of that and
slept and moisturize and all the rest of
it and in the morning I woke up and had
my shower and a cleanse and I use this
and oh my god it was covered in
foundation I was i I was shocked I could
not believe how much had come off so I I
use this now I don’t know if you should
use this every morning because your face
skin is very delicate but there was
nothing so you couldn’t
and so I do so you just put your
cleanser straight on this and you just
like massage it into your face with with
this and it is amazing and I will put up
the name of it in the box below because
I can’t really what’s called M but it
came up with birch box and so you get
those two together in the shower
absolutely amazing and then when I get
out the shower I for a long time have
looked after my face your skin because
ever since I’ve really been very into
makeup I look after my facial skin I
have eczema so I wouldn’t keep it it’s
most likely to be able to peel to put my
makeup on as I can so I’ve done that but
I haven’t always looked after my body
skin so recently I started to use one of
these brushes oh my god did you see that
the kids great em and to exfoliate my
skin and this is the Eco tools why I got
this from boots and what you do is you
just I do want to get out the shower I’m
still a bit damp and I just in circular
motions and the idea is you use circular
motions towards your heart so if it’s
below your heart you’re going up and
above your height you’re going down do
not use this on your face it’s far too
rough for your face but I use this and I
exfoliate all of my skin it’s really
good good one because you your dry skin
and stops like it stops the nourishment
getting to your new good skin that’s
growing and and also doing mix helps you
to release your lymph nodes that helps
your lymph nodes to like play I don’t I
don’t know like the Provost that worked
okay but again this is why you kind of
do it towards your heart but it will
help release them and I know having
fibromyalgia and for so many years when
I went on my honeymoon for years nearly
four years ago I had a bad night is
massage every single day and they are
they really release your lymph nodes and
they’re for the first couple of days it
was excruciating and then after that
it’s got less and less thankful to that
didn’t hurt at all and by the end of it
I could walk for miles I walked up
mountains on that honeymoon and
I like I can walk to a shop or down the
street normally now so I really do think
that if I could have Balinese massage
every day my life would totally be
different however you know my mmm highly
relevant but moving on but this is both
help with that so that is one of the
reasons I started it I’ve made just such
a massive difference so I use that not
necessarily in how I feel but definitely
in my skin so it’s so soft all of the
time it’s lovely
so I used that not right now cover
thanks man there
if you watch my go watch my last video
to find out why I’m covered in next
level right now and okay and then I use
at the moment this is the body cream I’m
using now bear in mind I have super
sensitive skin I have to be very careful
with the products that I select and this
has been amazing like amazing amazing it
is cool it’s the rosy for autograph line
it’s a divine body cream
it’s from Marks and Spencers I love the
packaging it’s a proper glass it’s the
Rose God I know that at some point
people have got get bored a rose gold
but I am in love with it for longer than
it’s been popular oh and it smells it
does smell it tell us define it smell
the divine queen it dissolves right in a
cave all its monthly right and and it
kind of leaves you with this little glow
like I don’t know if you’d be able to
see it on Cameron really but it kind of
leaves you with a little bit but like
healthy glow anyway it is truly lovely
and so that is what that and then for my
face and I do I use the unique hydrating
moisturizer again that they don’t sell
anymore which is really gutting but I’m
sure that the new one will be just as
good but this one is a hydrating day
cream with SPF 20 it’s so important to
give any trio again yes the F only so I
really quite like to get it in my my
mouse joy sir
and yeah once this one runs out I will
be going on to the new unique one and
I’ve tried a few ones it’s still my fave
and then I use a lip exfoliator again I
use a unique one I still have huge
amounts of unique products for when I
sold it so and I’m not going to suddenly
just stop using the stuff I love and but
I am like really enjoying trying other
– and this exfoliator is absolutely
amazing it comes in like a stick it
rolls up and yeah this is the Christmas
edition one the red one the normal ones
black and but this one’s peppermint and
I love it and like every Christmas I
always made sure I got loads because I
love them so much and and then I use lip
balm bombs now oh god my back sorry
back is killing me if you’re trying to
stay upright em lip balm bombs are like
unsung heroes
that’s what lip balm bombs aren’t they
are pricey I’m not gonna lie they are
pricey but so worth it they are so they
come in lots of different colors this is
the clear one so you can just pop this
on over any color like that you’re
wearing it has like a slight white hue
to it and but these ones they also come
in like lots of tinted colors and all
very very subtle but a bit buildable too
but no other lip balm or any lip product
has ever kept my lips so hydrated as
these do like and I have tried a lot
because I have such a huge issue with
dry lips I have a dry mouth all of the
time I’m in like a night open mouth
breather whilst I sleep like it’s
attractive and my husband’s like lucky
but yeah always always especially in
winter the dried rice lips and I just
don’t because I’m using this every day
so carries around in my back pocket it’s
amazing highly recommend anyway so that
genuinely is my morning this is give
such a long video I’m going to attempt
to cut it down and that genuinely is my
daytime routine and yeah I just find
that when I haven’t had what happened to
me happen to me that keeps my skin baby
soft it’s amazing okay then for my it’s
actually only one of those things
hearing my Birchbox or glossy box but
the nights don’t the night stuff is
different so I used and first of all
what I use and to remove my makeup
at the moment I’m using simply wipes I
don’t really stick with a brand just
showing me the ones I know it kinda tear
my skin and I also absolutely love
myself I’m a seller water micellar water
and this is that like waterproof
removing one and obviously love the pink
top one and unique hazards blow out a
new one so I’m gonna be trying that as
well and but I tend to have my masala
water in the office if everything enough
smile a bit here and then my simple
whites up in the bottom just because I’m
amazing I can’t be asked to have been
fasting around with a cotton pad not
that I see that it makes any difference
but in here I have like a jar to put
them in and I haven’t got one her
bathroom and that’s that so take it off
first my makeup off first with that and
then at the moment I’m using this
cleanser I don’t use this actually every
single day because it is exfoliating
cleanser so I get a spot between this
one and the unique one mmm but this one
is the I don’t know is this – for 1:7 or
just – for 1:7 or just for one syllable
with always but – that I don’t I don’t
know MA it’s a redefine face own facial
micro loofah foaming gel it is in no way
a loofah foaming gel like at all it is a
gel I’d say it’s a gel and I actually am
not that impressed with this like I like
what it does to my skin so I’ll use it
but look how gross that is and you know
why that is because as soon as you hit
this I don’t want to do it as soon as
you tip this I’m gonna try and do it
really small amount it pours out
everywhere like I’ve wasted so much
product in this so I really don’t like
this package I don’t know if this is
what it comes in normally when it’s not
in the glossy box but and but you won’t
be able to see but it’s kind of got
these like little beads in there that
just kind of exfoliate cleanse at the
same time and it smells really nice and
does a good job and this came in my
glossy box full-size so yeah I really
like it but it it’s pollen free and
mineral oil free it drives me mad how it
just spills out and I’m such a forgetful
person – I will forget that it’s gonna
spill out and so it just everywhere
really annoying
the other thing so I cleanse first dry
my face then I use up with beauty serum
I’m again having I have to try the new
version but I don’t think I’ll ever be
without this what this does for me are
they my makeups making it look
horrendous but what this does for me is
it gets rid of all of the puffiness
under my eyes like when I don’t use it I
noticed such a huge huge huge huge
difference so I don’t just use it on my
eyes they use all over my face I find to
be so hydrating so good just nourishing
I can feel my skin being like nourished
and lovely nursing’s
but the main thing for me that I love
this for is that it does stop that
puffiness underneath my skin and so yeah
absolutely love that and then the new
product that I hate that I love I hate
that I love this this is aven’t about a
pant this is a vant shea butter vitamin
b3 sea water sweet almond age neutral
revive deluxe Hydra not a Hydra
hyaluronic acid I don’t know why I can’t
say that I love that that’s an
ingredient it’s such a good ingredient
for keeping moisture in your face and
vivifying face and eye night cream and
then and this is a full-size again I got
this in my glossy box and it is normally
98 pounds people 98 outs and it comes in
a nicer packaging if you buy I think it
comes in like a glass jar if you bite
normally rather than in this packaging
but I’m quite happy for this back I do
because this came in my 10-pound glossy
box with all the other stuff so yeah I’m
okay with that
um and I didn’t want to like it because
it cost so much and I really don’t want
to have to replace it but I have never
experienced anything that reduces my
bags like this I normally have the
darkest purple east bags under my eyes
that you have ever seen nothing
even when I was like a youthful full of
energy teenager I had bags under my eyes
like I could have never found a
concealer that completely covers them up
like nothing
ever I always have darkness here right
now it looks dark anyway but I think
that’s more the ex-mother messing up the
concealer than anything else anyway this
has taken them to like a light beige a
light beige like just about there and no
it’s not just my art like under eyes
normally all of this is purple and it’s
like a light beige only slightly darker
than my normal skin color now I’m like I
am shook and I don’t know if I can use
that word i watch a lot of jeffree star
and like it’s what he uses all the time
I’m shook but in this instance like I
proper I’m shook I am took about this
okay I’m shocked I don’t understand why
people say shook I can’t I don’t I’m not
cool enough to pull it off I’m sorry I
won’t do it again
I might do it again I’m probably gonna
do it again but anyway this we love this
sadly we love this and so I used that
after so I let me also Kim for a while
first then I’ll pop that on and that is
basically my nighttime routine I’m gonna
really quickly mention whilst I’m here
within that glossy box so that glossy
box came with that that it came with oh
it came with this which is a dry shampoo
and damage control for hair weak or
damaged I’ve not used this because I’ve
got no hair people so I don’t really
feel the need but you never know they
make him a time and I’m womenís um and
I’m gonna hold onto it because I know
that besties is the only dry shampoo I
think works I’ve experienced lucky and
it also came with a like a sample of a
hair mask and with argan oil one oh my
gosh I’ve used it I love when I get
samples for hair set the masks because
they last forever for me cos and I need
so little on this wyvern hair so and I
put it in yesterday and it’s like the
sauce my hair is still soft even though
it’s got the product it Oh amazing and
then the other thing it gave me was
these now there was like in those
advertisers just like cool sponge the
cub like you know like
blending sponge that comes on a stick
I’m 11 handle I’m like I would have
loved that no that’s not the one I got
or I got the one with these in them
these are the Wilkinson Sword eyebrow
Beauty eyebrow shapers you’re supposed
to be able to like control how much of
it you have out because you can do it
like that well I I don’t know how you’re
supposed to control how much you have it
maybe like I don’t know I don’t know how
this work anyway what I know is I was a
fairly excited I was like cool I haven’t
had time I’m not well I having to get to
get my eyebrows threaded and so I’m
gonna give this a go and I basically
chopped off my entire eyebrow my like
nearly the entire of my eyebrow went and
I didn’t have any eyebrows to start with
so massive massive fail no she’ll never
ever use again product and then the
other thing that I did get in I did was
share to you because it’s in this grace
tune I’ve literally dishwash scrubbed it
with everything I cannot get this
Bloomington to get clean it’s from lush
so real quick so this is one of their
like dr. ko something rather soaps and
it’s like a superfood so became in my
Birchbox know yeah birch books and it’s
like the superfood sapin it’s mostly so
good for your skin and bloody and blah
blah this is pomegranate whatever flavor
thing anyway I used it once it dried my
skin out so bad it was like could
literally feel the moisture pulling away
but it’s coming really handy for
cleaning like my brushes of my sponges
and stuff like that so I kept it for
that and I can’t remember what else came
in my Birchbox so and yeah this is not
meant to be a whole review of that this
is those two just be about my skincare
stuff so anyway I hope that that was of
use to any of you obviously this is
really good for dry skin I don’t know
how well any of this will work for oily
skin or even really combination skin akt
like I’ve still got this scar here from
a spot I had like three months ago so I
occasionally gets more but really not
very often and my skin is basically just
dry dry dry dry dry
and yeah I hope that that was abused to
some of you and again comments the life
feedback most or most welcome although
this look this is why I got in I got
this in my Birchbox Sisk really weird
cushioned highlighter that I’ve totally
forgotten to use past the first time why
I think I used in one of the videos no I
use it in one I’ll have a look anyway um
yeah and you I have the most um day and
I will see you in my next video