hi friends and welcome back to the
channel karakori here and we are here on
oh my gosh episode 13 of the summer cut
series we are actually nearing the end
of summer i don’t know how that’s
happened but if you guys have enjoyed
the series so far it is coming close to
an end so be sure to let me know down in
the comments below if you’d like to see
this continue into maybe a little
something else another series here let
me know now for today’s episode we’re
gonna dive into something you guys have
been asking me about throughout this
entire series we’re gonna be talking
today about
metabolism and in particular we are
gonna be discussing
the lumen i don’t know if you guys have
heard of this device but this has been
kind of trendy for a while now i’ve seen
a lot of different people discuss this
device and this device is somewhat
sexy advertised as being able to hack
your metabolism so you guys know how i
do on this channel this is going to be a
little bit of a vlog and a dietitian
talk because i am going to give you guys
my honest opinions on this device how i
think it works if i think you guys could
benefit from it advantages and
disadvantages i am going to go through
the whole thing with you guys today’s
video i am partnering with lumen but
wait wait wait before you before you
make any assumptions i’ve been using
this actually since april i want to say
april or may they sent it to me been
using it a long time lumen was very open
and willing to let me film and do this
review with my honest thoughts they are
well aware i am going to give my honest
advantages and disadvantages and they’re
actually not even reviewing this video
before it goes live maybe some of you
guys don’t realize that but just to note
with a lot of sponsored videos most
companies you work with will want to
review the content before you post it
and before they pay you and lumen was
go ahead girl we know you’re a dietitian
we want to hear your honest review and
have at it so i hope that helps you guys
i always give honest reviews anyways
otherwise i wouldn’t choose to work with
a company hope that makes sense but
regardless i think you guys are going to
quite enjoy today’s video we have a lot
to talk about i do want to mention i
will have a discount code available for
you guys that is cara 30 and that will
give you 30 off if you are interested in
using the lumen once you watch this
entire video and get an idea if you
think you would like using it i’ll have
all those details down in the
description box below let’s start with
what the lumen is if you haven’t heard
of it this is a device to essentially
help you figure out what fuel source you
are burning so targeted as being able to
hack your metabolism by breathing into
this device it gives you a readout on a
number scale and lets you know if you’re
fuel source wise whether it’s
carbohydrates or fat it’s kind of like a
breathalyzer if you will if you were to
have to do that to test alcohol kind of
like a similar experience you have to do
a couple breathing exercises into the
unit in order to get your readout these
types of devices have been around for a
while in a clinical setting in a much
bigger type
scenario of how to actually measure your
carbon dioxide levels which is what
tells you if you’re burning fat or carbs
so essentially what this is going to
give you is your respiratory exchange
ratio or your rer so as i said these
have been used clinically for a very
long time but lumen came out with
something very small
it’s digital it’s easy to carry on your
person and you can track it yourself
without having to go into a clinic or a
hospital to get that information when i
got this the first thing it reminded me
of is when i was in
grad school actually which was a long
time ago there was something called a
med gem which
actually measures your indirect
calorimetry and tells you what your
resting metabolic rate was and it kind
of reminds me of this because it was a
smaller device it was handheld that you
breathed into so i’m i’m impressed that
they came out with something like this
because you actually haven’t seen
something available to us as consumers
that you could purchase to better
understand your metabolism is you need
to have wi-fi because you pair this
device with your smartphone okay so it’s
actually a really easy you pair it it’s
it’s really that simple it’s not
complicated you pair this device with
your phone it’s super easy and you
download the lumen app which the lumen
app is really kind of a superstar in all
this i’ll be honest between the device
but also what the app
features once you get logged into the